
Please send your remembrances of Norman to, or submit through the form below, and we will feature some of your thoughts and memories here on this site.


    I first met Norm back when he and Mandy first started dating. He brought us some cheesecake from our favourite greenhouse in Ontario, I didn’t know much about him at the time, but he was on my good side from there on out. This was just a small sliver of what the future held for us and our little family. Throughout the years, Norm would always include me on silly trips to Asian Grocery stores, one time he even made the mistake of going to T&T around the same time as Chinese New Year, he knew never to do that again, and the Costco Business Centre which he was so fascinated about. As someone who never ventured out much or tried new food, he opened many doors for me. I remember when I first found out he would drive hours away just to go to a certain restaurant I thought it was silly, and then I found out he would do anything, for anyone at any time and it became the “Norm” for us. Norm always made sure I was safe and taken care of, he came into my life and placed himself as a father figure role without a second thought. Norm never knew this, but it was one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

    Our relationship grew fonder over time, my favourite memory with him was driving across Canada, he said he would never do it again, but I know he always wanted to. We had sessions of guessing how far away a farmhouse was in Saskatchewan because there was nothing else to see there or when we would always laugh at Canola oil because there were endless amounts of Canola fields. That experience made us closer than ever before, and I would do it over a million times if I could. Norm would ensure that I put my best foot forward and always “Make the world work for me.” He saw potential in me that I failed to see before, and I hope to one day teach my children what he taught me. There are not enough words to describe how amazing Norm truly is or how much he impacted everyone he met, but I know I will take the words of wisdom and silly Dad jokes with me for the rest of my life, and that getting the chance to be so close to him is something for which I am so grateful for, forever wasn’t long enough.

    ~Vallie Reed

    Ellis Family + Norm

    Norm became part of our family when he and Mandy became a couple. Though I only got to know him for a short time, those moments together were special. Norm was fun, intelligent, kind and gentle. Our family enjoyed cycling with him and relaxing in the Haliburton Highlands. Brian and I had one of the best ski vacations at SilverStar thanks to conversations with Norm and his good advice. Mandy and Norm were a beautiful couple. I am so sad at his loss and will deeply miss getting to spend more time with him.

    ~Susan Ellis

    Norm & Mandy

    “Really Mandy, you are going to go on the back of Uncle Brian’s motorcycle? That’s hilarious!”

    Norm, you always had a great sense of humour and common sense!

    ~Uncle Brian

    Brian, Norm and Mandy

    Norm was an awesome man! I respected him for his self-discipline, kindness, and always being there for Mandy. He was so insightful and proactive to move Mandy, Vallie-Rose and their beloved puppies, Spoon & Mallie from Southern Ontario to Calgary, to start a promising life together. He was certainly a very important member of our family, and I was really looking forward to many wonderful times together. Norm, you will always be in our hearts!

    ~Brian & Susan Ellis

    Mandy & Norm

    I don’t even know where to start…

    Norm and I first met when I started working at Airbus. I knew as soon as Norm and I started talking that he was one of a kind. He was such a kind, compassionate, caring person. And that smile? It was truly one of the most contagious ones I’d ever seen…

    One of our first interactions was when he was tasked with showing me around the shop at work. I still remember so vividly how proud he was to talk about helicopters that day. From then on, we had formed a relationship and before we knew it, we were talking all day, every day. Talking every day soon turned into being together every day. It didn’t take long for us to realize how happy we made each other. Norm came into my life during a very difficult time. I had lost both of my parents and my sister within a 3 year period. Norm helped me out of a very dark place in my life. I wouldn’t be where I am today without him. He gave me so much hope when I had none. I am not a spiritual person but I would always remind Norm how I feel he was an angel that had been sent to me.

    When we talked about the idea of leaving Ontario to get away from everything, Norm was so excited for our new adventure. We found some jobs, packed everything up and took off to Calgary. Being the selfless person he was, he wanted me to fly to Calgary and he decided to drive my Golf with our 2 dogs, my niece (Vallie) and a car full of stuff across Canada. He and my niece would often laugh about what an adventure that was – driving through the endless miles of canola fields and countless hours of Norm’s informative podcasts. Shortly after we arrived in Calgary, we purchased our home together. Norm was so unbelievably proud of this home and put every effort into making sure it was perfect for our little family. Norm also had so much pride and passion for taking care of our family. He absolutely adored our two dogs and wanted them to come along for every adventure possible. He also had a beautiful bond with my niece, who lived with us. He took care of her as though she was one of his own children. He was always so excited to cook a new recipe with her, help her with her homework or just take her out to check out some new grocery store he had discovered. He always wanted to make sure we were “set up for success” in everything we did.

    Norm would always tell me that one of the greatest pleasures he had in his life was seeing the smile on my face and the dance in my eyes when he would introduce me to something new, whether it be food (obviously, this made him the happiest), a new place (second happiest), taught me a new task, etc. We had so many plans for the future. I hope he is somewhere watching as I try to navigate through this life without him, doing my best to continue eating new foods, exploring new places and learning new things.

    I will always be so grateful for the time I had with Norm. No amount of time with him would have ever felt like enough. He introduced me to a love I didn’t know existed. With each day that passes, I miss him more.

    ~Mandy Newall

    Helen & Norman

    As Norm’s “annoying sister,” I’ve been lucky to share many memories with him. As kids, we knew how to push each others’ buttons, whether it was him stealing my hard-earned Halloween candy (it would always be sour gummies), wrestling and pinning me to the ground to give me nougies, or me bugging him relentlessly with questions about anything and everything. But he always looked out for me even though he would never want to admit it, from helping me with my math homework to buying me a trendy, new mp3 player when I was trying to save up for a CD Walkman. He pushed me to grow and find strength in independence while reminding me to care for others from all walks of life.

    Over the years, we grew closer and shared more and more heart-to-hearts, though he never outgrew his love of finding ways to annoy or embarrass me. Regardless, I always knew I could count on him, no matter the circumstances. He will always be my greatest protector, my fiercely loyal, goofball big brother. I miss you, Norm, more than words could ever say.

    ~Helen Garbiec-Ho

    I first met Norm through his close friends Danny and Elisa as part of the same bridal party at their wedding in 2012. I could tell from that first meeting, what a caring and good-hearted friend Norm was. Since that time, I have gotten to witness the wonderful bond between Norm and his friends throughout the years. It is truly a testament to what a kind and loyal person Norm was.

    What also stands out to me was how Norm was so unabashedly himself.
    Many times, he made me laugh and shake my head all at the same time. I admired how he could find humor out of difficult situations. How he told me after his miraculous hospital stay, “YOLT = you only live twice”.

    The last time I saw him in person was when he came to visit NYC in 2019. I remember how excited he was to try new restaurants and see the city. I laughed at his New York moment when he tried to act cool around the paparazzi suddenly around him taking pics of a celebrity he didn’t know (Vanessa Hudgens? Who is she?). As often are stories told by Norm, it was funny and endearing. I will always remember him in that way.

    My deepest condolences to his family and loved ones. I will miss him.

    ~Priscilla Yip

    This might be way too specific but Norm was always teasing me on social media about not sharing enough about my husband Trevor. He started a hashtag #whatabouttrevor and if I shared anything about our apartment or parenting, Norm would comment something hilarious about how I was forgetting Trevor or not giving him enough credit. I remember saving few of these. Wish I had saved them all.

    But here is one comment attached below. I must have showed a tidy corner of our apartment and Norm had this to say. He had the best comedic timing.

    ~Alison Mazurek

    I want to give you my deepest condolences.  I was a very good friend of Norm.  We worked together for almost 12 years at Airbus.  We were fast friends in and out of work.  I kept in touch with him through his move to Alberta and loved seeing all his adventures. I will miss him so much.  Norm was one of a kind.

    ~Tracey Lahaie